BAS is a multipurpose accounting system for all types of businesses
The Chart of Accounts
We create account codes, financial categories and generation of the chart of accounts
Accounts Receivable(Customers)
Create customer accounts
Prepare invoices
Post invoices
Capture repayments
Generate payment lists
Print receipts
Prepare customer statements and reminders
Generate customer statements at any given time
Generate customer balance lists
Prepare delivery notes for finished and delivered jobs
Accounts Payable(Suppliers)
Create supplier accounts
Prepare local purchasing orders(LPOs)
Capture suppliers’ invoices
Update both Inventory and supplier accounts
Capture payments to suppliers
Generate suppliers’ payment analysis and statements
Local Purchase orders and Proforma Invoices
BAS prepares LPOs and Proforma invoices
Recording Expenses
Capture payment vouchers and post them
Generation of Payment Vouchers
Prepare and generate payment Vouchers, authenticate them and post them to the general ledger
General ledger
Prepare general ledger based on posted transaction.
Invoicing and billing
BAS does automatic billing to customers for work or service done
Inventory Management
BAS has an Inventory module, managing incoming and outgoing stock, stock cards,
stock statement, stock taking, stock movement reports etc
Pay roll management
BAS has a pay roll module that prepares pay slips, payment schedules, Bank lists, NSSF and PAYE schedule, EFT lists etc
Fixed Asset register
BAS has a fixed Asset register module , assets are categorized and entered into Computer.
Assets are valued and automatically depreciated using predefined depreciation rates
BAS accepts barcodes and can read them off the bar code stickers
BAS also supports bar code printing if the bar code printer is installed
Banking Deposits and withdrawals
Manage both deposits and withdrawals
Bank reconciliation and cash book
Perform bank reconciliation, generate and file the bank reconciliation reports
Prepare the cash book as well
Budgeting and Vote book
Enter approved budget into the BAS System
Prepare the vote book at a click of a button
Financial reports
Prepare financial reports including, trial balance, income statement, statement of financial position(balance sheet), cash flow statement ,the general ledger etc
Generate cashiers’ daily collections
Generate Input check lists and the audit trail
Check input data control for accuracy of entered transactions
Journal Entries
Capturing Journal entries
Foreign Exchange Gains and losses
Capturing forex transactions and passing foreign exchange gains and losses to appropriate accounts
Generate daily operations reports(sales, profitability, balancing status etc)
Updating Stocks
General end of day posting(both accounting and stock data is updated)
Data and System Security
Implemented by use of Passwords,
The audit trail tells us the user and time of data entry
User Access rights enable us to prevent un authorized users to access restricted options
Disaster Management
An automatic back up is made by the System, twice a day, once in the morning and also in the evening
SMS Integration
BAS is integrated with SMS, to send reminders and notification to Customers and suppliers